Someone better ride out and warn Boston that the Asian Playboy is coming, wearing his best coat and ready to take Boston over with the ABCs of Attraction Team and the best Ivy League bootcamp Boston has ever seen.That’s right, the legendary JT Tran has taken over Boston with his lectures at Harvard (check them out, seriously) and now he’s here to teach you how to woo the ladies.
The lovely ladies of Massachusetts are waiting for you, so why wait another moment?
Our Boston chapter grows larger and stronger with every student who graduates. We even have a team of guys who are out there constantly working hard and picking up gorgeous women. The ABCs of Attraction forum is filled with field and lay reports from the Boston area, so why aren’t you a part of it?
Not convinced an ABCs Ivy League bootcamp can help you? Here’s some reviews from our Boston Ivy League bootcamps:
A little about myself: 4 years ago, I didn’t even know what “dating” was, forget pick up. For the most of my life I had eye issues, so I never even looked anyone eye to eye. I got that corrected few years ago. I came to the US as a grad student 4 years ago and was introduced to the culture. Ever since, I have been learning. I did take another bootcamp (in 2008) before this but I just lost everything I had learned. I never went out so this was a restart. That said, here is a break up of the bootcamp.
Day1: After a lecture 4-8 by JT and Gareth Jones, mostly on approaching and Buying Temperature, we head out to a hotel bar. This was packed but there was no loud music. I approached 9 sets here. Got 2 amogs. 1 set after another, we were just warming up using the kick start opener. The first set (a 2 set) I approached here was the best. I hugged the girl said she was cute but I wasn’t going to give my name yet and that I will see her later. I hadn’t approached more sets you see but I wanted to keep her hooked. I couldn’t find her later on. Amogs who wouldn’t even talk to girls would suddenly start taking interest in what I was saying and then chip in with their funny remark or amogging.On this occasion the girl laughed at his comment and they instantly connected somehow. I went to another set. We then went upstairs, sarged another 5-6 sets. Another amog. On this occasion, I lightly touched him and said: I am very sorry I did not mean to offend you but if I did, please accept my apology. He calmed down. The next set, another amog. He chipped in by saying: whats he saying ? I don’t know what I said to him but somehow he calmed down too but he made a remark before I left (“This guy is funny”).
Day2: JT and Gareth coach us about C and D. We go to Bond (I don’t remember the name correctly)- A nightclub. Here I approached at least 11 sets. I did sit down with girls from 3 different sets. I was not able to bring them to our table. The one time I was almost successful, our table was already full. I think it was too early (11 pm) to isolate so they wanted to stay close to their friends.
Black girl approaches me (I have never in my life been approached before). Our table is already full with girls that probably the other student brought with him : )..Anyways, Sit down..comfort…then go Direct. This time I pulled her to kiss me. She moved away. I said that’s OK I will talk to you later.
Another set, a beautiful girl in red. I ask her if she wants to know what I thought of her when I saw her. She said she is very curious to know. So went the conversation. Kino (couldn’t do any sexual kino. she was seated with her friends and I was standing)…comfort and this time a connection story too. Try the elephant to take her to the table, she touched me on the chest and said I was very nice but she wanted to stay with her friends. I approached more sets like this.
What did I learn ?
I learned to get over my approach anxiety. It is always there in the beginning but once I start approaching, it is very less. JT and Gareth Jones are great instructors. Gareth plays with language. He showed us how powerful language can be. Its so much about how we speak. Gareth has tremendous energy. Something I need. JT has an incredible style and it just seemed that no one could ever reject him, no matter what! The way he opens sets is so different than what I have ever seen. We did not learn routines here, we learned body language and style of speaking. We went through details of every little thing. Most importantly tonality of voice. This is probably different from most other programs out there. I think it is very important for at least me as an Indian to be able to express, show sexual attention and be able to say romantic things and those have to come from heart. I am not good at it yet but I know that is what is to be done. I have a long way to go but this is the kick start I needed. Do I recommend this ? If you are looking to sign up for a bootcamp to break out of your shell to see your capabilities as a changed person, I would recommend this. Things I did above, are things I would never normally do. They are things that I want to keep doing. In all, it was great deal of fun and mind blowing things going on. It is a beautiful thing to learn : )
INCREDIBLE! An ABCs of Attraction Ivy League bootcamp isn’t just about dating… It’s about changing your entire life. Sounds to me like Flash had a great time learning the art of seduction, but we’re not done here yet:
“It’s now 10am in the morning on Tuesday, 2 days after my 1-on-1 bootcamp with Gareth Jones, and I’m still having a hard time taking in all that’s happened this crazy weekend. Let me just start off with a little background of myself. I’m a 19 year-old student who lived in Asia basically my entire life and came to the US for University since last year. I never had any social problems in terms of making friends and talking to people but I always knew that I lack the skill to seduce women, aka ‘the lack of game’ as the pickup community would call it.
In addition to my lack of game, the nights when I did force myself to go out were catastrophic. I get 100 times more nervous around women, took blow-outs 100 times more seriously than I used to and get 100 times more frustrated when I get back to my empty apartment in the end of those nights. It wasn’t until a month ago did I finally decide to take a PUA bootcamp in hopes to better my situation. And since I’m Asian and ABC of Attraction offer 1 on 1 boot camp for a reasonable price, I decided to do a 1 on 1 after Christmas break and Gareth was available for just that.
Friday lecture:
It was 4 pm on Friday when Gareth showed up at my apartment. When I opened the door, I saw this really well-dressed gentleman from medieval Europe with well-combed hair and a warm smile (which surprises me as I was expecting the long-haired Ozzy Osbourne looking Gareth I saw in his pictures). After a little chit-chat, we get down to business. He first briefed me on his background and got to know mine. Then we started working on the kickstart opener, kino-turn, and my SMILE! Then we covered what the ABC structure is and everything I needed to know in the A & B phases(Approach and Banter). I ask him a lot of questions as he went over the materials. He would patiently answer the ones regarding to the materials and make sure I’m clear on what he’s going over.
Friday night:
My first sets were 2 sets of older white women. I winged my way on the kickstart opener a little bit as I didn’t remember all of it. They were receptive and nice. I felt much more at ease and went back to Gareth. He asked me exactly what happened and told me what I could’ve done better.I got much more comfortable with approaching after 8 or 9 sets. Gareth told me to go approach as if I would on my own and don’t come back to him immediately for opinions.And then comes the highlight of my night. I opened 2 beautiful blondes and found out they’re from Brazil. While I was bantering with them, two white girls I approached earlier tapped on my shoulder and said hi. I just said hi back and kept talking to the Brazilians but Gareth told me afterwards I could’ve merged the sets and introduced themselves to each other. Anyway the Brazilian girls were receptive so I brought them to meet “Gareth the birthday boy” and Jeff. Jeff left right away for me and Gareth to have a 2 on 2. And all of a sudden I’m in a situation with a 2 sets and a wingman. I did not know what to do at all but the whole time Gareth kept the conversation going.
I didn’t engage her quite well when we were alone but I felt great just talking to this attractive woman. When we left the club Gareth did a little debriefing with me. He’s excited as I achieved the objective(I ended up approaching almost every sets in the club). He told me to work on smiling more often when energy level’s low. Leaning in when talking is also one of my major problems. And in general he just told me to keep the fearless mentality going and push myself even more.
Saturday Lecture:
I woke up feeling like a different person, overwhelmed by my experience last night and at the same time nervous and pumped for much bigger challenge tonight.
Saturday Night:
We met up with Jeff again and he led us into the club.
We went up and sat down in pairs, a perfect situation for C&D. I asked her my comfort leading question: what’s your story, then she started telling me about her job and her passion.
Knowing time is running out and I only have 1 number so far, something inside me suddenly kicks in and I quickly opened a 2 set with no hesitation. I immediate isolated one and knew exactly what to say and do (that includes knowing I don’t want to kiss that girl at all but can still get her number).
Sunday Day game experience:
Sunday is not the best time for clubs so Gareth decided to introduce me to some day game at the mall. We went over some basics of day game in terms of its speed and dynamics. He told me to start off with “Where is the nearest starbucks” opener and move to comfort till number close.
Sunday Lecture:
We covered the last 2 phases E & F ( Escalate and Future). We covered some time management and logistics.
Then we covered some basics of text and phone game: when to call, and how to make plans, etc. And then it comes my graduation!I’m really thankful for what Gareth and Jeff have done for me this weekend. I’ve now been exposed to a whole new world of possibility. Although I know I still have a long way to go to get to where I want to be with my game, Gareth has put me in the right direction. I know exactly how and what to practice and most importantly I know I will get there if I just do it. They promise a life-changing experience, and Gareth gave me just that. It’s really worth every penny I paid and I suggest every man out there aspired to better themselves with women to take a bootcamp with the wonderful social expert Gareth Jones. Sincerely thank you Gareth!
( P.S. You really look like the catcher next to Jeff when you wear that bow tie. Just saying”
>Are you ready to make a real change in the way you meet women? Are you ready to trade up and date quality women? Are you ready to close the deal with sexually attractive beauties, regardless of race or ethnicity? The ABCs Ivy League bootcamp is an opportunity to smash through those limiting mindsets and prove to yourself that attraction is a learnable skill, one that you can master.
If you’re looking to test out your skills as a pickup artist, check out this article with tips and tricks on where to pick up girls in Boston!