Imagine a gentleman meets a beautiful girl. Things were going well. He got her number, he arranged a date, he had high hopes. One expensive dinner date and a movie later, he went home alone. Again.
Hitting close to home yet? Everything you ever thought you knew about dating probably told you he arranged the perfect date. Unfortunately, everything you ever knew about dating is wrong. And if you’re like a lot of guys, you don’t have the luxury of wasting time, money, and energy on dates that aren’t bringing home results and bringing home beautiful girls.
We figured out what it takes to get beautiful girls into bed. We discovered a way to give dates that were SO GOOD, we had a 90% success rate at getting beautiful girls in his bed. Let that sink in for a minute. 90 PERCENT. And today’s your lucky day as we release these impressive secrets to the world in this book.
What is First Date Formula? It’s everything you ever wanted to know about dating – secrets only a master PUA could tell. Where should I take her? How much should I spend? How long should a good date last? How do I keep her from getting bored? Who should pay? What do I do if I don’t like her? How exactly do I get her in my bed?
You’ll find answers to this and so much more with the incredible step-by-step formula in this book. It’s quick, it’s simple, and it’s super easy. It’s so easy to master, in fact, that you can use the SAME formula and the SAME date to get the SAME results – a girl in your bed – every time!