The Asian Playboy moved in on the White House and found Washington a town ripe for sarging when the ABCs of Attraction team came to Washington, DC to move some fresh-faced students from wallflower to alpha males doing the walk of Khan with confidence. Picking up beautiful, sexually attractive women is a skill that these bootcampers learned and can be acquired with study and one-on-one coaching.
Sign up for a life-changing Washington DC PUA Bootcamp!
Here are just a few reviews of the best dating bootcamp in Washington, DC!
I recently got out of a 7-8 year on again/off again relationship with a girl whom I thought I was going to marry. We always had ups and downs and while we were off again, I would go on dates with other girls and such but always with the knowledge/assumption that me and her would end up getting married. However, life is pretty funny and suffice it to say that we finally ended it. I wasn’t particularly devastated or despondent as some part of me realized that we were growing apart towards the last year or so. Now my ex was a legitimate HB9 and I have no idea how I ended up with her in the first place but when we finally broke up, I realized that I had no idea how to date or game anyone. To top it off, I had crippling approach anxiety and when I did overcome that anxiety (basically the few weeks leading up to the bootcamp), I had very poor time of keeping girls interested or engaged. So basically, I was floundering in the club/bar/dating scene and I was coming home depressed and drunk a lot. Finally, I figured I’d give the bootcamp a shot and see what happened. After all, the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over but expecting different results.
So on to the bootcamp:
Day 1:
Day 1 started out with introductions and then we jumped into lecture. Gareth Jones was the lead instructor for the DC bootcamp and while I was skeptical at first about how a “white guy” could possibly understand the Asian “situation” he quickly dispelled any doubts I had within the first hour. Like many others have said, the sheer breadth and volume of information is staggering but 99% of it is relevant, useful, and insightful. Gareth is an absolutely great lecturer and he does a great job keeping you focused whilst being entertaining at the same time. Also, my fellow DC bootcampers were great and we really seemed to get along well with each other. I felt like we had a tightly knit group and that feeling of people who understand what you’re going through and who have your back really made the night/field sessions a lot of fun.
We went to some place in DC called Cities during Day 1’s field session and it was an absolute blast. Both Gareth and Ben were great infield instructors and Ben was a good motivator who helped give me an extra push when I was about to chicken out of an approach as well as giving me tips to keep me going. One epiphany that I had during the first night was the sheer amount of limiting beliefs I had and how those excuses to procrastinate/not approach have cost me in the past.
Day 2:
Day 2 started with more lecture and we delved into more complex subjects. We broke up into groups like in Day 1 to work on specific skills that we’d need for Day 2’s field session. Once again, I was pretty burned out by the end of lecture on Day 2 but I was looking forward to going out that night. I probably learned more in Day 2’s field session than Day 1 purely due to the number of failures I had. Failures in the field happen to everyone and learning how to enjoy the process, learn from one’s mistakes, and to not take things personally is a bit of personal growth that I’m particularly proud of. The venue wasn’t that great during Day 2 through no fault of the instructors but sometimes sh*t happens. It was still pretty fun and me and entropy did well with this 2 set of blondes (HB 8 and 9) but we ejected early because we took their “oh we have to go to the bathroom, we’ll be back” as an indication that they were ready to bail. Little did we know that they did come back and were looking for us but by then it was too late. Dammit!
Day 3:
Day 3 started with an optional lecture on iGame. I’ll be the first to say that it was definitely worth waking up early to take that extra session! The iGame lecture was very well structured and that was huge for me. I know a lot of my Asian bros are very analytical – I know I am. If that’s the case, then you’ll love iGame. Gareth did an awesome job with it and I would gladly trade *all* of my Asian rice mats and my Maserati
for similar lectures in the future. After iGame, we wrapped up day 3 with more lecture and went through the other phases of the ABCs not covered in Day 1 and 2. I was pretty fried at this point and I know a lot of the other guys were fried as well.
Overall, the bootcamp was a GREAT experience and I’m glad I took it. I was VERY skeptical at first but now I can confidently say that I plan on taking another bootcamp in the future just to hone my as of yet nascent skill-set some more. The bootcamp isn’t some 3 day cure all but it gives you the tools to change your life if you’re committed and serious about wanting to change. Not everyone is committed and one guy left halfway through day 2’s field session because he didn’t think it was for him. Personally, I know that I was sick of being frustrated, nervous, and disappointed all the time when it came to girls. Now I feel energized and this extends to my profession and everything else I do. Rather than being intimidated by girls, I’m enjoying the whole process of approaching and chatting a lot more and I don’t rely on alcohol as such a crutch anymore. I also made some great friends along the way and I know that I’ll be hanging out with them more in the future. I’m just very pleased that I finally did something about my situation rather than hoping that it’d get better on its own. And if nothing else, JT, Gareth, and Ben are just fucking cool guys to hang out with.
“I stumbled upon the ABCs of Attraction website after viewing dating related videos on YouTube and other websites on dating and pickup.I had been married for over 20 years and separated for almost one year when I learned that a boot camp was scheduled in Washington, DC. Eager to start a new relationship and to learn new skills in approaching women I decided to register for the July event. My main goal was to increase my confidence in approaching and relating to women because I planned to date multiple women after the divorce would be final later this year and because I wanted to have options before making another marriage decision.One of the concerns that I had was that I might be too old to participate in a boot camp like this. However, after speaking with one of the boot camp staff members by phone I was assured that it should not be a problem.In preparation for boot camp I purchased several books that were recommended but only was able to read part of one book. I agree with other participants that one of the most important things you can do to prepare is to do the assigned homework assignments.
Each day I learned a lot during the classroom sessions. The classroom was comfortable and in a location that was convenient to restaurants and only a short taxi ride away from many nightclubs.
The first day of boot camp was my birthday and so when we invited girls to our table in the nightclub everybody said it was because we were celebrating my birthday.
I had never been to a nightclub before so Friday evening was a unique experience. My approach anxiety was fairly low because I really was not looking to create any long term relationships and didn’t care if I was going to be rejected. However, the unexpected happened and I made a really good connection with a girl almost half my age, invited her to our table and spent most of the evening at the club with her chatting and dancing. I number closed her and kept in touch with her after boot camp.
Gareth’s class on texting and phone skills proved invaluable. My experience in texting was limited, so this was one of the most valuable sessions of boot camp for me. I highly recommend it!
Ben J. was also very helpful as an assistant instructor and in providing advice on dress and by encouraging us to open sets in the clubs.
Having J.T. there was icing on the cake.
We had a nice group of men attending boot camp and so far most of us have kept in touch with each other. I felt a lot of camaraderie and we all supported each other.
Here are some of the ways that boot camp has helped me and what I liked best about it:
• It has given me the basic skill sets that allow me to have more confidence and success when approaching women. The Kino Turn was one of the most valuable skills I learned.
• It has given me the knowledge and confidence that I can approach and attract women who are very attractive and much younger than I am.
• It has taught me to dress better.
• It has encouraged me to take better care of my personal appearance. I lost 10-15 lbs. over the past several months and started seeing an esthetician, which I highly recommend, especially if you are older like me or you have skin problems like acne.
• It has given me additional ideas and resources for improving my skills.
• The Facebook groups and the ABCs of Attraction Community and Forum are great free resources for ongoing support and learning.
• The instructors know their stuff and are very approachable. Another valuable piece of advice came from Gareth after boot camp when he texted me, “Remember, there are tons of beautiful women out there!”I highly recommend the boot camps to anyone who is serious about learning how to successfully approach women and how to develop better relationships with them.
“Hi my name is Cue and i took the DC bootcamp two weeks ago instructed by Gareth and Ben.
Before the boot camp, i thought this is like magic pill I thought it would make me to one of master pick up artistsin the world(Yes, I know it was silly idea) but after i finished all the boot camp processes, i figured out there are no such things like easy shot and i really need to work on these stuffs months and years to get it. It wasn’t like magic pill but if you ask me about the boot camp. It was AWESOME!!!I definitely thought it worth every things. It is not a magic pill as i said but it is more like BOOSTERIt makes me go up to next level quickly in term of both inner game and techniques As bootcamp began, I was bombarded with bunch of information. I knew the pick up stuffs about two years and those information that I learned during the boot camp were really useful and there are lots of new things that I learned. It’s really good to know that those information but the greatest things about ABCs boot camp is it’s ORGANIZED. After I learned these stuffs, i know what part I should go over more and how it works from meeting to sex and relationshipFor the infield part, I had age issue so I personally had one-on-one with JT for this. (JT was at DC, too) I was super excited that I finally could meet JT and go out with him personally and it was GREAT!!
Because of my inner believes and my level, I didn’t get to the K-close or F-close at the infield but as i saw the JT’s interaction with women, it was really a good CHANGE OF BELIEF in my mind. I knew there was people who can easily flirt and kino with women who are strangers but i never saw them in person and i saw that things happening in front of me it was stunning!! I’m saying it’s hundred times better to watch than listen.
I felt much better as day goes and i made #-close at the endI could go further with that girl but i didn’t do steps to go further because i was bit freaked out of doing it. (It was kino) but I’m sure that I could make it if i did that. What i want to say by this is, result of boot camp is really DEPEND ON YOU They are ALL GREAT INSTRUCTORS and what ABCs guys teach is LEGIT, but what they can’t do is making you do it. They will push you, encourage you, and force you to do it. If you do it, I’m sure you will get every thing you want from it.
One thing i regret from the boot camp is i didn’t follow every thing they told me to do in the infieldI think i could get more from it if i did i. But What I don’t regret is what i learned and experienced from the boot camp. I had good time with instructors, lecture was fun and useful and I made new friends and they are all awesome! As i said whether you get F-close, K-close or #-close after the boot camp, I guarantee there will be HUGE LEAP UP after boot take the booster and advance further! That’s what i want to say after I took the Boot Camp.
Washington, DC, is a melting pot of the world’s most beautiful women, and soon your brand-new PUA skills will help you pick some of those international honeys up and take them home! When in DC, look up JT Tran and the ABCs of Attraction crew. They’ll be the group with the hottest girls in the club flocking to their side
Are you ready to change your life forever? Check out one of our Washington DC PUA bootcamps and we will HOOK YOU UP.