Best Pickup Bootcamp in: Miami, Florida

By Admin

Miami, Florida is known for long, sandy beaches and sun-kissed beach bunnies. The Miami nights are filled with unique and sophisticated venues perfect for sarging. This is the atmosphere the ABCs of Attraction team saw when they sauntered into beautiful Miami, and they knew right away that this golden paradise was just waiting for some fun, confident young students to come in and take over. Read on, and learn why you should be signing up for the best pickup bootcamp in Miami today!

Hey,I did the Miami Bootcamp last month with Gareth and JT as the instructors. It was nice because there were only 4 students, so a lot more personal instruction. I’ve been reading a lot of JT’s blog posts and I listen to William (the better Asian man) podcast, so the majority of the material I had heard before. Despite that I still found new information, and it was good to review concepts.
Day 1:We went to Fontaine Bleu, a fancy ass hotel and we just hung out in the lobby, which worked surprisingly well for sarging. All 4 of us had good experience approaching, so that was no problem. I still had a decent amount of anxiety with approaching the 10s and there are plenty in Miami. JT pushed me into my first set, 5 girls. I walked up directly behind her. Kino turned her and said “Cheers my name is Kevin.”
I was shocked about how well they opened up to me. I’ve never done a kino turn before, and while hearing about it in blog posts, I was a bit skeptical but it worked!
I actually just had a date with one of those last night (Field Report in the field report section) I had a really good time, and I even told JT “Hey that was easy I’m ready to move past the A and B phase.”
Day 2:We went to this bar and we were planning on getting table service at this place called Mynt. Walking in I was pretty disappointed, everywhere there were tables people bought, so we weren’t even special with our table. This 5 set of girls came in some of my bootcampers opened them up. I saw this short cute Latina and I approached her. We talked and I got her into comfort fairly quickly. I got some successful compliance tests but also some shut downs.
JT and Gareth were on me for not escalating enough. I eventually got her on the dance floor and we were dancing closely with out foreheads touching…

While still dancing with the black girl, I was trying to escalate by rubbing her inner thigh but I accidentally went to high and touched her pussy, needless to say she was shocked and walked out, I saw her a couple of times more that night and she was still into me, but obviously put off by the accidental forwardness. I guess that’s why you get her in comfort before you go direct. :o

Day 3:We went back to Fontaine Bleu because we had such a good time there the first night. I opened a few sets successfully. One set there was this incredibly tall black supermodel who walked by, I think JT opened them and they sat down. I talked to the black supermodel and lo and behold, she actually was a professional model. I did a successful comfort move moving from us seated in two diff seats to us being on the couch. I made sure that we didn’t walk to far otherwise she would see the enormous height difference.

I gave some DHV stories and she was saying that I was so into her. I really had no idea how to respond to that. She was constantly batting her eyelashes and she did comply with some of the CTs, so there was some chemistry. I went in for the kiss, she turned her cheek and thankfully Gareth taught us the kiss on the cheek, earlobe then neck routine. She got a kick out of that but eventually she bounced. Overall it was a great experience. I needed a kick in the balls, and I got it. There were just a few things that I needed to hear to push myself. One of them, is that it is the man’s responsibility to take control of the interaction. secondly, is that if you want the kiss and then be a man and take it. I took these lessons and applied them to my two follow up dates. Field Reports, in the field report section.”
WOW! I almost want to stop here and sign myself up for the next pickup bootcamp in Miami!


“Just wana post my thoughts on my experiences in pickup and bootcamp lessons..

I find that you can talk to any girls you want, even if she has her boyfriend with long as your interacting with both ppl, and you showing that your not going to steal heraway from him.And found that if you are cool to them, she will either want YOU, or want to hook you up withher friends, even her man will try to hook you up with a girl that he knows. lol

Shit, some girls , If they are COMFORTABLE around you, will even bring up the topic about sex with you, and even talk their fantasies., Shit even in front of their husband!

That shocked me, cause it was unexpected.

If you stop being too self conscious about how you look, how short you are, if your going to succeed or bomb out… AND just go for it and try to have fun while attempting to talk to the girland laugh it off if u Fail, I find 90% of the time, things will go more smoothly, cause I’m relaxedand not nervous, which sometimes ppl sense it, and it makes them feel nervous too.

B4 my bootcamp, I had anxiety approaches to Hot girls that I was really attracted to, also if they were Tall hot chics, cause I love tall girls. I didn’t have any structures in a,b,c,d,e or kino much, blp
there is so much to say….

But the bootcamp pretty much kick started my lazy pickups, eliminated most of my fears,and so much more… I highly recommend, doing all the homeworks b4 taking bootcamp TOO MUCH info squeezed into 3days. [and i did NONE of the homework].

And that’s why i did poorly.

I thought much about if it was worth it, going to a bootcamp and spending the money. I have to say after the years passed, it definitely was worth it!, IT CHANGED ME, and I wish I had done all homeworks and went out and pre-practiced a month or 2 b4 my bootcamp, cause I know I would of reallygot some great results.

Right now, I’m doing A,B,C,D without the E, this is all done at my workplace on weekends … and i enjoy it so much[Im not suppose to attempt any kind of pickup at my very strict workplace, you can get fired]
It’s so much fun flirting with a group of girls and noticing which or how many girls are attracted to me, after many many interactions with girls, you will start noticing the little subtle “signs” of attraction a girl does.

Anyways, I still suck at pickups and not good at following it, tooo busy with work.But I know for sure….. if you follow the structures of a,b,c,d,e its a guarantee laid.the few times I had chics, I thought what I did, and it was in almost exact steps, and now I have a new problem, once I get them girls… they fall in love with you and want you as their boyfriend or future husband… fuk, I just met some of them for few days.

I’m from Toronto, I find the chics here r sooo hard to pickup…. going solo. But I find American girls, Europeans, Latina girls <—especially them, are sooo much nicer, more flirty and slutty and so much fun to be with. especially in bed. :)

All azn guys in T.O should pursue them 1st!


Need we even say more? Nowhere else in the country will you find such an exotic selection of beach-ready beauties just waiting for their Asian Prince Charming to sweep them off their feet. When will you man up for the best pickup bootcamp in Miami, Florida?

If you think you’ve got the skills and you want to test yourself out, check out this article on where you can pick up girls in Miami, Florida.